Dogs are a gift, wrapped with unconditional love and endless special moments for you. Your dog also loves you regardless of your mood. Have you noticed they are good at improving your mood when you least expect it?
Often your dog will recognize your mood and sense when you are down. Granted, dogs react in different ways but by and large are the happiest when they see that you are happy.
Does that mean we have to be happy all the time? Well no, that is unrealistic. But another of the many special qualities our pets offer us is gentle reminders to take care of ourselves from an emotional standpoint. They provide and desire many occasions to laugh and play with you. In turn, often while you are trying to meet their needs, they meet yours as well.
If you are like me, you have a dog who has provided comfort when you are crying and companionship when you need it most. Whether your time is spent laughing and playing or cuddling quietly, it is beneficial for both of you. I don't know about you but I LOVE MY DOG!