Paws2Love Pet Sitting Olive Branch, MS, provides you with everything you need - loving attention and peace of mind for your furbabies. Whether you’re traveling or need to schedule day-visits, I will make sure your loving pets get plenty of fresh air and exercise in order to develop their physical fitness and social skills. Other services provided include feeding, water, giving medicine, endless hugs, and also bringing in packages/mail etc.
Overnight Pet Sitting
Affordable, Peace of Mind $80 per night*
Overnight pet sitting by Paws2Love is an affordable way to give your furbabies loving care and attention at home as well as provide the extra security of knowing someone is in your house while you are away. This service includes an additional Day Visit and additional tasks as needed.
"Cheryl, great experience with appreciative! Thank you so much for everything."
"Thank you, you're the best."
"Thanks so much. I know they would rather stay at home (than boarding)…"
"Thank you for the enthusiasm, photos and frequent updates."
Paws2Love allows me to share my love for animals and caring nature while providing a needed service for pet owners. I also understand what it is like to "need extra help" and am glad to be able to offer affordable services to help take care of my clients, both the two and four legged ones.
Cheryl Goodwin, Owner/Operator
Contact Me
I love animals and have years of experience working with them. You can trust me to provide a safe, comfortable, fun, and healthy environment for your furry friend. Whether it’s taking them for walks, coming by to feed them, or providing at-home care, I’ll watch over your pet as if it were my own.
Olive Branch, MS